System Summary Form (SSF), 2021 JLall Online Teams #4

The following additional SSF forms are also available for this player:
Adam Grossack-Larry Lebowitz-Gavin Wolpert

Team: Lebowitz Last Updated May 25, 2021 at 22:42
Players: Gavin Wolpert - Zach Grossack

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D/1NT opener shows 1 major. Multi Landy over all weak NT and Str.

transfer Bart after opener rebids a minor - i.e 1S - 1nt -2C 2D shows H

Better-Minor Lebensohl in some situations.

1M P 2C can be natural or any balanced hand. Could have longer or stronger D. Openers 2M rebid promises 6, and 2N is default.

1m (1nt) Multi Landy

1H (3S) 4C is a heart raise

Jump to 3M-1 = mixed when no jump cue available.

Transfers after 1M X

Jump shifts downward are intermediate

1H p 2S is less than an invite

1C p 1D could be funny (1C p 1NT = 8-11)

General Bidding Style

We tend to open mediocre 11 counts non-vulnerable and can open decent 11 counts vulnerable (Zach tends to open more). Occasionally, Zach will open 1M in 3rd with 4 cards, or very light.
1N = 14-16 NV
1NT=14+ to 17

Rarely open 5 card suit weak two bids. Normal/Somewhat sound preempts.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Vs Suits: 3/low vs suits, Coded 9s and 10s mid-hand and from known length. Ace from Ace-King except 5-level or above, if RHO is a preemptor or if leading partner's suit. Can lead Q from AKQ. Attitude against NT. Rusinow leads against NT but K power and A/Q attitude.

Defensive Signals

UDCA, Standard Remainder Count, upside-down discards, Reverse Smith vs NT. (not past t2)
Our primary signal is generally attitude; then count, then SUP.
In general we play Suit Preference rather than Alarm Clock in situations where others may play alarm clock.