Team: | Donnelly | Last Updated | May 27, 2021 at 21:55 |
Players: | Dan Jablonski - Ethan Wood - Cynthia Huang |
none. we play a fairly standard 2/1 system with variable no trump and a few routine gadgets. |
NT range is 11-14 nonvul, 15-17 vul, all seats. Third seat can certainly be light, and light majors can be four cards. but generally nothing crazy. Ethan is more likely than Dan to psych in that position, but we do not psych frequently. |
3/lo vs suits, 4th vs NT, standard honor leads, A from AK. |
upside down count and attitude. attitude is primary signal. middle of the hand, spot leads are attitude.
suit preference is standard. trump suit preference also standard. |