System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Open USBC

Team: Gu Last Updated Apr 3, 2024 at 11:35
Players: Walter Lee - Jiang Gu

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1. Flannery.
2. Multi-Landy vs Strong NT
3. Transfers after we open 1m and opps double, overcall 1D or 1H. Also transfers after 1M-(x).
4. Artificial mixed raises after 1M opening bids and overcalls.
5. First round jump shifts by uph are usually some type of a raise, except 1C-1H, 1D-2S are general invitational. No Inverted Minors.

General Bidding Style

General approach is 2/1 with Gazzilli.

The cheapest jump to a new suit is always GF raise.

1X-2NT is balanced GF.

2NT in competition is often artificial.

Frequently shade values for XX, Drury, and 2/1 in competition.

Occasionally very aggressive with 3rd chair
openings and penalty doubles.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Spot card leads: 3/5 vs suits; typically 4th best vs NT, but often high or 2nd highest from weak holdings.

Falsecards on opening lead are somewhat more common than in other partnerships, but still not very frequent.

Honor leads: A from AK.

In the middle of the hand our shifts are attitude and honor leads are standard.

Defensive Signals

Carding: UDCA. Frequent Suit Preference when attitude is known or irrelevant.

Reverse Smith Echo.