System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Open USBC

Team: Gu Last Updated Apr 17, 2024 at 15:36
Players: Ai-Tai Lo - Josh Sher

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D opener = one major, 3-9. 2M = 6+M, 10-13.

1C = 2+, can have long D if balanced (5D332). Transfer responses (1S = diamonds or balanced, with no 4 card Major unless 13+ HCPs).

1D = unbalanced, 5+D except 4441C. 1H=4+S, 1S=4+H.

1C-2H shows a limit raise by UPH.

1D-2H is a three-way bid: balanced 11-12 HCP, a limit raise, a club invite by UPH.
1C/1D-2S is a mixed raise by PH/UPH.

1M-3C mixed raise to 4-card limit raise by UPH.
1M-3D 3-card limit raise by UPH.
1H-2S is invite in a minor.

(1NT)-2D shows one major.

Passed hand bidding:
FSJ except 1C/1D-2S.
1H-2S is a mixed raise with an unspecified shortness.
1H-2NT is a FSJ with 5+S and 4+H.
1S-2NT is a mixed raise with an unspecified shortness.

General Bidding Style

Light opening using the rule of 20: Open all balanced 11 when we are not vulnerable, optional when we are vulnerable. Open shapely 10 (9 not vulnerable).

1N = 14-16 1st, 2nd and 3rd NV, 15-17 3rd V, 4th
could be shaded in 1st and 3rd seat when we are not vulnerable (13 with a 6-card minor).

Often 5-card preempt at favorable vulnerability especially in 1st/3rd seat.

Respond very light when we are not vulnerable.

We almost always respond over 1C unless we have 5+C.

Lots of transfers and flip-flops in competitions.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3/5, Rusinow from 3+ vs suit, 2/4, Rusinow from 4+ except in partner's suit, dummy's suit, and preemptor's side suit, Reverse Smith vs NT.

Mostly attitude in the middle of hand.

0 or 2 through declarer and surrounding dummy's honor.

K from AK vs suits except from AK doubleton, ready to switch to a side singleton.

Standard suit preference and present count.

Suit preference when dummy has a singleton or declarer is known to have a singleton.

Defensive Signals


Attitude when we lead, count when declarer leads. Count is usually accurate early in the hand, suspect later in the hand. Suit preference when the attitude/count is clear.

Standard suit preference and remaining count.

Reverse Smith except in a hold-up situation when dummy has a long suit with no clear side entry (A or K).

Sometimes would lead small from doubleton for deceptive purpose especially when we can overruff dummy.