System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Senior USBC

Team: Cappelli Last Updated Apr 8, 2024 at 19:39
Players: Bob Bitterman - Mark Bendure

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation


General Bidding Style

Style - open almost all 12HCP hands, some 11 HCPs.
Minors - 3+, inverted raises.
Majors - 5 cards usually, could be 4 cards in 3rd/4th seat, with constructive raises to the 2 level.
1NT - 15-17, rarely 14, may have a 5-card major
Preempts and weak 2 bids reasonably disciplined except in 3rd seat.
Fit showing JS by a passed hand
One-under JS in competition = mixed raise

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

vs. suits: opening = 3/5th, middle = attitude
vs. NT: opening 4th or second from a bad 4 card suit, middle = 4th/attitude.
All carding and discards are 'standard'
Standard Smith vs NT (if remember - often forgot)
Trump suit preference
Standard suit preference
Ace from AK vs suits, except at the 5 level or higher, then A ask attitude, K asks count
Ace lead vs NT = power card, asks partner to drop honor or give count (standard count)
King lead vs NT asks attitude
Otherwise, standard honor leads vs suit or NT

Defensive Signals

See above.
We signal count when we think partner needs to know, otherwise we follow suit and discard without signaling anything.