System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Mixed USBC

Team: Zhang Last Updated May 10, 2024 at 01:33
Players: Susan Zhang - Eddie Wold

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation


General Bidding Style

2/1 GF by UPH not in competition.
14+ to 17 NT. Can contain a 6 card minor or be 5/4
5 card Majors with possible 4 in 3rd seat
4 card diamond unless 4/4/3/2
2C over 1M by UPH can be 2
Jacoby 2N = GF
Bergen Raises on over x by UPH
1m 2m is LR. Crisscross m by UPH GF

Opening bid style is all 12 point hands some balanced 11s most shapely hands with 10+
Controls over 2C

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Rusinow vs NT from length 3+
King power lead so must lead A or Q with 3
Reverse Smith Echo
4 from interest
Suits 3 and low std honor card leads
King from AK at 5 Level

Defensive Signals

USD count and attitude
Std present count
Most frequent first signal is attitude but can change to count or suit preference depending on the situation (bridge judgement not agreement)