System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Senior USBC

Team: Reynolds Last Updated Apr 11, 2024 at 15:01
Players: Tom Reynolds - Lance Kerr

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Precision 1C all 15+HCP hands

Symmetric relay responses after 1C and 1C-1D (0-9)-1H (18+)

1D (11-14) is unbalanced. 1D-1M-1N (likely singleton) Shows but does not promise 3+ diamonds

2C 6+Clubs, 2D, 2H transfers 2S=stayman

2D 4=4=1=5 minus 1 card, 3D only force

2H/2S preempts

2NT 20-21

General Bidding Style

1NT is 11+-14 HCP

1D may contain 5m or be 4-4-4-1 without a diamond singleton. Alternatively, 1D can be opened with a balanced hand.

Will open 5-3-3-2 M hands and possibly lighter M hands.

Transfer responses after interference after a 1C, 1D opening and after 1N-2M showing.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3, 5 vs suits, 4th vs NT

10 shows 1 higher than J or short, 9 from 109,9 from 98, 87 or short.

K is power vs NT

Defensive Signals

UCDA, Attitude then count or suit preference, do NOT always signal length..