System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Open USBC

Team: Balleisen Last Updated Apr 17, 2024 at 12:18
Players: Aaron Balleisen - Zhiyu Cheng

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1H-(X)-2S & 1H/S-(X)-3C/D: weak jump shift
Spiral and 3-4-3-4 answering.
2-way Game Tries: 2NT asks, 3x = shortness.
Leaping Michaels.
Suctions against strong 1C opening.

General Bidding Style

2/1, 1NT 15-17, 2NT 20-21
Sometimes open light hand on 3rd and 4th place. 2-way Drury.
5533 on level 1,
6+ for weak 2 and 3-level preemptive opening, 7+ for 4-level preemptive opening.
Rarely open weak 2 with 5 card suit.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Opening leads:
4th best against NT,
3rd/lowest against trump contract.
Higher from doubleton.
Standard honor leads.

Leads in the middle of the hand:
Spot card shifts are attitude (lower indicates stronger desire to have suit returned)

Defensive Signals

Upside-down attitude and count, standard suit preference.
Reverse Smith against NT.
In general, attitude then suit preference then count for discards.
In general, suit preference then count then attitude for opponent leads.