System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Mixed USBC

Team: Millens Last Updated Apr 18, 2024 at 16:09
Players: Sandra Rimstedt - Shan Huang

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

-2D opening shows a weak two bid in either H or S
-2M opening shows that major + minor, 5-5+ vul, 5+4+ nv
-3N opening shows a running major in 1st/2nd seat
- Reverse Flannery responses to 1m-openings

General Bidding Style

-1NT 15-17
-2/1 GF
-5-card major openings with gazilli
-We open most balanced 11+ HCP hands not vulnerable
-Our bidding style greatly varies by vulnerability and position
-3rd seat preempts are wide ranging
-4th seat 2D/2H/2S level openings are nat, 10-14

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

-Standard honor leads
-K is power lead against NT
-K lead asks for count when the declarer has preempted or 5-level or higher
-3rd/low vs suits
-4th best leads vs NT (can lead 2nd from bad holdings)

-2nd/4th through declared in new suits. Otherwise:
-Coded 9s and 10s in the middle of the hand
-Attitude oriented 3rd/5th from remainder cards after T1
-A/Q ask for attitude and K for count after T1

Defensive Signals

-Standard remainder count
-Suit preference in Smith situations vs NT
- Attitude, count, suit preference in order of priority.