System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Mixed USBC

Team: Rubenstein Last Updated Apr 18, 2024 at 16:18
Players: Adam Grossack - Emma Kolesnik

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C is 2+ (very rare 1 card with stiff honor but not systemic). We open all balanced hands in the weak NT range 1C if we don't have a 5-card suit. If we are in the 17-19 range (more like 17-18 NV), then we systemically open 1C with balanced hands that have a 5-card red suit. Over this we play transfer responses.

1D is 4+ (we have 5+ D unless we are some 4441). It does not promise an unbalanced hand. Our response structure is mostly standard and intuitive.

1H + 1S are mostly standard openings. 1H openings exclude 18 balanced with 5 hearts (those are in 1C). We play a semi-forcing NT and gazilli follow ups.

1NT opening may include a small singleton (rarely).

In competition we play many transfers and switch bids.

General Bidding Style

Passing 11s is possible. If we are non-vul we normally open balanced 11 counts, but we don't have to. We normally do not open balanced 10s unless we have a good reason (4-4 in majors, good honors structure etc). Our NT range is 14-16 1+2+3 NV and all other times it's 15-17. We make normal upgrades/downgrades.

In 3rd seat we might open more for the lead than we would in 1st/2nd.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

On opening lead we make standard honor leads vs. suits and rusinow from 4+ cards in NT (K is power in NT so Q from KQx). There is no rusinow in partner's suit or dummy's first bid suit, systemically. When the preemptor leads a side suit, rusinow is off.
Our spot cards are 3rd from even, low from odd against suits and 4th best in NT. Can lead highest or second highest in NT from bad holdings.
Mid-hand typically leads are attitude based. We do play 9s & 10s 0-2 higher mid-hand systemically and jack denies... except making a surround play.
If count is crucial mid-hand we play 3/5 spots (in suits and NT). But this is rare, normally just attitude based.

Defensive Signals

We play UDCA with standard remaining count. We try to give partner the signal they need. We tend to show suit preference rather than count when declarer attacks suits - unless the count is crucial. We play reverse smith echo in NT.