Team: | Silverstein | Last Updated | Nov 6, 2024 at 16:45 |
Players: | Jack Boge - Ethan Derman |
1 - Could be short as 2, could have more diamonds than clubs if balanced (3352 possible). Transfer responses.
1 - Unbalanced, (4)5+D 1NT - 14-16 in 1st/2nd, 16-18 in 3rd/4th 2 - bad weak 2 in a major 2M - 9-12, 6+M |
Light openings (~Rule of 19 with exceptions) and overcalls when white. Vul we are fairly sound, but still open all 11s.
We play 14-16NT in 1st/2nd, and 16-18 in 3rd/4th. Third seat white openers can be lead directional. |
3rd/low against suits, 4th against NT, rusinow honor leads. Generally attitude leads in the middle of the hand, but sometimes count (when attitude is clear). |
Upside-down count and attitude.
Generally we default to attitude on partner's lead, and suit preference on declarer's. Count only when we feel a suit is "important." Exceptions apply. |