System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Sam Amer Junior USBC - U21

Team: Ge Last Updated Nov 26, 2024 at 14:37
Players: Brian Zhang - Kayden Ge

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

General Bidding Style

Generally open "all" 11+ point hands
1C: Strong artificial, 16+ unbalanced or 17+ BAL, transfer positive response
1D: 2+ D, 11-15
- 2H: less than inv with 5S4H
- 2S: constructive or limit raise in D
1M: 5M, 11-15
- 2C: C GF or BAL GF or LR with 3M
2D: D shortness, 11-15, 4415-(1)
2C: 6+ C or 5C4M without (34)15, 11-15
1NT: 14-16
2NT: 20-21 without 5-card Major suit

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Opening lead suits: 3rd/5th, A from AKx+, K from AK at 5 level+
NT opening leads: 2/4th, ace power lead

Defensive Signals

Upside-Down attitude/count, Standard Suit Preference
Attitude priority, then count, then SP to PDs lead.
Count priority, then SP to declarer's lead
Trump SP when it benefits PD more than declarer
Upside down Smith vs. NT