System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Sam Amer Junior USBC - U26

Team: Chen Last Updated Dec 10, 2024 at 19:20
Players: Rory Xiao - Jonathan Yue

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C: Artificial, 16+ HCP
1C-1D: 0-7 HCP
1C-1H: 8-11 or 16+ HCP, 0-4 S
1C-1S: 8+ HCP, 5+S
1C-1NT: 12+ HCP, 5+H
1D: 2+ diamonds, 11 - 15 HCP, can be singleton honor if 4415 minus 1 card.
2C: 6+ clubs, 10 - 15 HCP
2D: 3 suitor, short D, 11 - 15 HCP
2NT: 55 minors, 10-13 HCP

General Bidding Style

1C Artificial, 16+ HCP, one round force
1D: 2+ diamonds, 11 - 15 HCP, can be singleton honor if 4415 minus 1 card.
5 card major, 11 - 15 HCP
1NT: 15 - 17 HCP if vulnerable or 4th seat, 14 - 16 HCP else where.
2NT: 55 minors, 10-13 HCP
2/1 responses are game forcing
3rd seat favorable opening and preempts may be very light.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Standard honor leads
2nd/4th against NT, 3rd/low against suit
K is power lead against NT
Mostly attitude leads in the middle of hand

Defensive Signals

Signally priority vs NT is attitude, count, suit preference, vs suit is attitude, suit preference, count only in mandatory situations.
Trump suit preference, suit preference common in general.