Team: | Chen | Last Updated | Dec 10, 2024 at 19:20 |
Players: | Rory Xiao - Jonathan Yue |
1: Artificial, 16+ HCP
1-1: 0-7 HCP 1-1: 8-11 or 16+ HCP, 0-4 1-1: 8+ HCP, 5+ 1-1NT: 12+ HCP, 5+ 1: 2+ diamonds, 11 - 15 HCP, can be singleton honor if 4415 minus 1 card. 2: 6+ clubs, 10 - 15 HCP 2: 3 suitor, short , 11 - 15 HCP 2NT: 55 minors, 10-13 HCP |
1 Artificial, 16+ HCP, one round force
1: 2+ diamonds, 11 - 15 HCP, can be singleton honor if 4415 minus 1 card. 5 card major, 11 - 15 HCP 1NT: 15 - 17 HCP if vulnerable or 4th seat, 14 - 16 HCP else where. 2NT: 55 minors, 10-13 HCP 2/1 responses are game forcing 3rd seat favorable opening and preempts may be very light. |
Standard honor leads
2nd/4th against NT, 3rd/low against suit K is power lead against NT Mostly attitude leads in the middle of hand |
Signally priority vs NT is attitude, count, suit preference, vs suit is attitude, suit preference, count only in mandatory situations. Trump suit preference, suit preference common in general. |