Team: | Kolesnik | Last Updated | Dec 11, 2024 at 01:19 |
Players: | Bo Han Zhu - Harrison Luba |
1 opening could be as short as 2, includes all balanced hands that could not be opened 1NT/2NT/1M.
1 opening promises 4+ unbalanced. In 1/2 seat: 2 opening = unspecified weak two in a major 2/ opening = 5M, 4+m weak (In 3/4 seat 2/2/2 are natural) 1-(P)-2 shows a weak two in either major 1m-2NT is GF and could have one or both 4M Transfers/swaps in the following situations: 1M-(DBL)- or (1X)-1M-(DBL): transfers up to 2M 1-(DBL) - or 1-(1R)-: transfers up to 1NT 1-(1/2/3)-: 3-suit transfers 1-(1/2/3)-: swap / 1M-(2/3)-: swap oM/ |
1NT range = 14-16 NV 1/2/3 and 15-17 otherwise
2NT range = 19-21 NV 1/2/3 and 19+-21 otherwise We systematically open balanced 11s NV Third hand openings can be light with only 4M |
2/4th and Rusinow vs NT, std honor leads in the middle of the hand.
3rd/low and std honor leads vs suits. |
UDCA always and Rev. Smith against NT. Signal priority is attitude, count, SP. Suit preference becomes priority when continuation in the suit is perceived unsatisfactory (e.g. stiff in dummy in a suit contract). |