System Summary Form (SSF), 2024 Sam Amer Junior USBC - U26

Team: Kolesnik Last Updated Dec 11, 2024 at 01:19
Players: Bo Han Zhu - Harrison Luba

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C opening could be as short as 2, includes all balanced hands that could not be opened 1NT/2NT/1M.
1D opening promises 4+D unbalanced.

In 1/2 seat:
2D opening = unspecified weak two in a major
2H/S opening = 5M, 4+m weak
(In 3/4 seat 2D/2H/2S are natural)

1C-(P)-2D shows a weak two in either major
1m-2NT is GF and could have one or both 4M

Transfers/swaps in the following situations:
1M-(DBL)- or (1X)-1M-(DBL): transfers up to 2M
1C-(DBL) - or 1C-(1R)-: transfers up to 1NT
1C-(1/2/3S)-: 3-suit transfers
1D-(1/2/3S)-: swap H/C
1M-(2/3C)-: swap oM/D

General Bidding Style

1NT range = 14-16 NV 1/2/3 and 15-17 otherwise
2NT range = 19-21 NV 1/2/3 and 19+-21 otherwise
We systematically open balanced 11s NV
Third hand openings can be light with only 4M

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

2/4th and Rusinow vs NT, std honor leads in the middle of the hand.
3rd/low and std honor leads vs suits.

Defensive Signals

UDCA always and Rev. Smith against NT. Signal priority is attitude, count, SP. Suit preference becomes priority when continuation in the suit is perceived unsatisfactory (e.g. stiff in dummy in a suit contract).