Team: | Yeung | Last Updated | Dec 11, 2024 at 18:55 |
Players: | Alan Yeung - Dan Irish |
Control: A=2, K=1 KK BAL: 4432 or 4333 BAL: 4432, 4333, 5332 Openings: 1: Artificial, 16+ HCP UNBAL or 17+ HCP BAL or any 7+ control hand -1-1: 0-7 HCP, Any hand --1: 19+ HCP or 5+s F ---1: 0-5- HCP, Any hand ----2: GF KK+4 Relay ---1N+: 5+-7 HCP, GF KK+2 Relay -1+: GF KK Relay (In order: ////KK BAL 8-10 or 14+/Unused/KK BAL 11-13) Relays off when (similar to other openings): - Opps bid anything except for X over 1 - Opps bid before relay start - Opps interfere except X after Teller makes first bid 1: 0+s, 10+-15 HCP, Denies 5+M, 6+s -Natural Continuations 2/1 Style -2: GF, may have 4cd M -2: 54-5 ~5-9 HCP -2: 54-5 10-12 HCP --2N: Asks Shape & Range 1: 5+s, 10+-15 HCP -2: GF Relay -2: Const-Inv 8+-12 HCP raise (3 cds if 10-12) -2N: 10-12 HCP 4+cd raise 1: 5+s, 10+-15 HCP -2: GF Relay -2: Const-inv 5+s with tolerance or 6+s inv -2: Const-Inv 8+-12 HCP raise (3 cds if 10-12) 1N: 13+-16 HCP BAL, may contain 6m or any 54 -2: Inv stayman, may be one 5cd major 2: 6+s, 10+-15 HCP, Denies 5+M -2: GF Relay -2M: Natural, NF -2N: Inv Ask -3: NF -3/3/3: Stopper Ask 2: Single major, 4+-10- HCP 2: (54)+ majors, 4+-10- HCP 2: 54+m, 4+-10- HCP Relay Breaks: Skip a Step: Bidding +2 steps anytime before ESS (Exact Shape Show) calls for immediate skip to control showing and Teller's shape will be referenced as the most generic form with known information Weak Relay: Bidding +2 steps after ESS before 3N is asking Teller to only override if super-positive Competitive: After 1M Overcall by Partner: 2N: 10+ HCP, 4+cd raise, Jordan system on Transfers thru 2X-1 after opps X: If opponents X 1, transfer begin at XX If opponents X 1!M, transfers begin at 1N Reuben's Transfer Advances between X and Y-1 if below OBAR (opps bid and raise): If partner overcalls and opponents have not bid and raised, transfer advances begin at opponent's first suit and end at partnership's overcalled suit-1 Fit Jumps in and out of competition: All jump and double jump shift advances and responses are const+ 4cd raises with a natural suit 2N Responses after partner's X: -Lebensohl after opps M if X in 4th seat -2 places or inv (if opps bid ) if X is in 2nd seat -LR+, forcing if partner's overcall is 1M -Natural, forcing if partner's overcall is 2m+ -Undefined non-jumps to 2N are natural and forcing Doubleton Redouble: -After partner's overcall and X response, XX is doubleton support and first priority |
Systematic Upgrades:
1. All 7+ control hands systematically upgrade to the next higher echelon bid, (1/1M opens 1 and 2N opens 1) 2. Any BAL 10 HCP hand is only opened if containing 4 controls 3. 13+ BAL contains 4 controls, a 5+ card suit, and/or good spots for 1N Styles: 1. All point ranges and lengths for openings and responses strictly controlled and adhered to systematically with systematic upgrading 2. Direct overcalls are sound suits. Balancing seat will endeavour to bid with most hands 3. Preempts in competition may be very wide when favourable 4. Passing Multi 2 with a weak hand without tolerance often 3rd Seat NV: Preempts wide and hands that will not accept invites to game 4th Seat Preempts strictly minimum opening hand denying invite to game |
Opening Leads:
v Suits: 3rd/low (3rd from even, low from odd) Echo is standard count Honour Leads: A: Asks attitude (usually from AK) K: Asks count (usually from AK) Top of touching honours v NT: 2nd/4th (2nd from bad, 4th from good) Echo is upside down count Honour Leads: K Power Rusinow with Rules from 4+ A: From AKJx, AKTx, AKxx (sometimes) Asks Attitude K: From AKJx AKQx, KQJx, KQT9 Asks for unblock or upside down count Q: From AQJ, QJT, or QJ9, asks for attitude J: Denies higher honour T: Shows either A or K along with at least 1 of either J or T 9: T98 or T97 Leads After 1st Trick: Standard remaining count |
Partner's Lead: Upside Down Attitude Declarer's Lead: Standard Count Discards: Upside Down Attitude Signals: v Suits: Suit preference in 3rd seat if dummy is singleton, void, or 3rd seat cannot overtake dummy's card Trump Suit Alarm Bell: Playing trumps out of order signals "Pay Attention" |