Team: | Yang | Last Updated | Dec 13, 2024 at 21:41 |
Players: | Renyu Li - Eric Shao |
2D open = H/S preempt. 2H open = H + m preempt. 2S open = S + m preempt. 3NT open = one minor preempt. 4C/4D open = transfer
Vs Str NT: 2C = C + any. 2D = D + H/S. 2H = H + S. X = one suit Vs Wk NT: 2C = one suit, 2D = H + S, 2H = H + m, 2S = S + m, 2NT = C + D. |
5 card Majors (1N Resp Forcing). 1NT 15-17 (often with 5 card major, rarely 5422 or SING), 2/1 Forcing to game (2C suspect length).
3rd hand may be light, esp at Fav Vul. Opens most bal hands with 12 HCP and some unbal hands with 11 HCP or lighter Preempts: may be light 1st and 3rd or at FV |
Vs Suit: 3rd/5th. A from AK. Std. honor leads.
Vs. NT: 4th best. K from AK. Std. honor leads. |
Attitude: Upside down vs NT, Standard vs suit
Std. Count and Suit Pref Signaling priority: Attitude, Count, Suit Preference, but give what’s needed most. |