Team: | Zheng | Last Updated | Dec 13, 2024 at 23:21 |
Players: | Vasisht Ganesh - Tom Ye |
We do not use any methods that are not described on the ACBL General Convention Chart. |
Preempts vary from sound to light/very light by seat and vulnerability. Vulnerable preempts contain 2/3 or 2/5 of the top honors in the suit and always contain the expected number of cards. Non-vulnerable preempts can be done with one less card and very weak suits on occasion. In general openings are somewhat aggressive, invites are sound and accepts are somewhat agreesive. |
In general, count leads 3rd/low at trick 1, standard remaining count afterwards. |
General priority for signals: attitude on partners lard and count on declarers. Primary signal is attitude at all times except when there is a singleton or void on the board. Signaling style is UDCA. We also play lavinthal on the first discard. |