Team: | Yeung | Last Updated | Dec 14, 2024 at 00:03 |
Players: | Rohan Srivastava - Evan Alexis |
Over 1M-dbl, we play: 1S (if available) is a transfer to 1N 1N transfer to clubs, 2C to diamonds, 2D to hearts, 5+ cards, 6-9 points. Transferring to partner’s suit shows 6-9 and support. Transferring and then bidding 3 is 3 card limit raise. Transferring and then bidding 4 is a solid 13(+) with 3-card support. Rdbl is 10+ no fit. Bidding 2 of partner’s suit shows 0-6 and support 3M is weak (0-6 with 4 card support) 3M-1 is a mixed raise in M 4M is 5-card support and 6-9. 2N Jordan (4+ card support and 10+). Responses are help-suit game tries 3 level bids in other suits are fit showing jumps: support and side suit normally 4 card support with a 5 card side suit, or any hand with 9 cards in the 2 suits, strength similar to a limit raise or better Our defense to a strong NT range (defined as includes 15) is "Jump Ball": Dbl - clubs or reds or majors or strong spades 2C - diamonds or (clubs and a major) 2D - diamonds and spades 2M - natural 2N - minors After 2M response to stayman: 4S is kickback when suit bid at the 2 level is hearts 4N is quantitative 4C is 1430 Gerber 4D is slam try or better showing a fit |
2/1, 5 card majors, 15-17 NT, fairly sound openings and preempts, lighter in 3rd and 4th seat |
3rd and low vs suit.
4th vs NT Against NT, A asks for attitude, K asks for unblock or count MUD against both suits and NT Attitude leads in the middle of the hand |
Everything is upside down
Priority order is attitude, count, suit preference Usually attitude at trick 1 Reverse smith against NT Upside down attitude discards |