Team: | Kolesnik | Last Updated | Dec 16, 2024 at 12:46 |
Players: | Ethan Wood - Michael Hu - Finn Kolesnik |
2D opening is Flannery, 5+H 4S
Transfers in the following situations: -after takeout x: 1M-(x) -after negative x: (1x)-1y-(x) -after support x: (1x)-(1y)-Z-(x) |
2/1 GF
1NT range = 14+-17 2NT range = 19+-21 We open all balanced 11s NV Third hand openings can be light White preempts can be light and 5+ cards |
2/4th against NT, 3rd/low against suits. Standard honor leads. A/Q are attitude, K is count or unblock |
UDCA always and Rev. Smith against NT. Signal priority is attitude, count, SP. Suit preference becomes priority when continuation in the suit is perceived unsatisfactory (e.g. stiff in dummy in a suit contract). |