System Summary Form (SSF), 2016 USBC

Team: Lo Last Updated Apr 19, 2016 at 16:04
Players: Sylvia Shi - William Pettis

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D over 1NT = Major 1-suiter
1m Pass 2H = 11-12 balanced
1m Pass 2S = mixed raise

General Bidding Style

5-Card Majors, Strong NT, 2/1 GF.
We open 11 or 12 BAL, and 10-11 Unbal.
May respond with very weak hand.
1 level overcalls can be light.
1M, P, 2C = GF, NAT or BAL (Doubleton Club only if (43)42 with 3-card support for major.)
Usually open 1C with 3-3 or 4-5 in minors.
Usually open 1D with 4-4 in minors.
1NT could have 5-card Major (common) or 6-card minor (rarer).
Preempts: wide range (could be good or bad)

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

vs NT: 4th best, might lead second from bad suits
vs NT: 3rd/5th in partner's suit, or major after partner's T/O double.
vs NT: Rusinow and A-AKx in 4+ card suits. (K is power lead.)
vs NT: Top of seq from 3 or shorter suit, and in partner's suit.
vs Suits: 3rd from even or 3, 5th from odd, but may lead high from nothing in partner's raised suit. "Impossible" lead could show side void, including spot lower than 5th best.
vs Suits: A-AKx (except 5+ level, or partner's suit, or raised suit.)
Spot leads normally attitude during hand (rarely low=odd, high=even for count)
Leading highest spot for ruff may warn about overruff.
In defensive ruffing-finesse situation, Q and Ten defined as "high", J and Nine defined as "low", for suit preference.

Defensive Signals

Standard Count and Attitude Signals.
Signaling priority normally: Attitude, Count, Suit-Pref (may vary with logic).
Count in partner's suit if dummy wins trick-1 vs NT with Q or lower.
Suit Pref with singleton in dummy.
Occasional suit-pref in trumps.
Smith Echo vs NT (high encourages opening lead suit), except in obvious count situation.