System Summary Form (SSF), 2016 USBC

Team: Wildavsky Last Updated Apr 19, 2016 at 23:19
Players: Adam Wildavsky - Migry Zur Campanile

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation


General Bidding Style

We open most balanced 12 counts. 1M is 5+ in first and second seats, 1m is 3+. We open 1c with 33 in the minors and can choose which minor to open with 4-4.

We use our judgement to upgrade or downgrade rather than relying on strict HCP. That means, for instance, that our NT opening, nominally 15-17, might contain an excellent 14 or a poor 18. We believe that 15-17 is the most accurate description, and that's what partner plays us for.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

A from AK vs suits through the 4 level.
A from AK vs NT -- K is the power lead.
Lead of the Q or J vs NT asks for attitude for the next lower card or any higher honor.
T or 9 = 0 or 2 higher during the hand vs. both.
4th or attitude during the hand vs. both.

Defensive Signals

UDCA, standard present count.

Our signaling priority on partner's leads is attitude, then present count, then SP. But we always try to make the signal partner needs most.

We signal on defense only when we judge it's more likely to help partner than declarer.