Team: | Baker | Last Updated | May 2, 2016 at 12:53 |
Players: | Kerri Sanborn - Irina Levitina |
We reverse forcing pass actions. P is better or worse than X. P then pull of X=slam try. X= desire to bid on with control, bidding on neither confirms nor denies a control.
2NT=GF raise of minor opening. Can be balanced or shapely, opener describes hand. TOX after 1M - P - 1NT - 2 new suit Support X thru 3M - not mandatory Frequent TRF in competitive auctions when opp doubles 1M opening, overcall or balance |
5 cards M's, 15-17 NT; 2/1 =GF
Open most balanced 12 counts, good 5-4 11 counts, can be less with 5-5 4-4 m's open either 4-5 m's open 1C, but could open 1D 1NT can have 5M or 5-4 Mm sometimes 6 card m Weak 2 bids are decent hands, usually 6 cards suits, can be 5 if nv Responding to 1 level openers. we normally have 5+ hcp We tend to bid suits up the line but may bypass D Resp's 2/1 in comp may be light if 6+ card suit or support for opener |
vs suits Standard honor leads. Spot cards 3rd from even, lowest from odd. A from AK except
1.Doubleton 2.Opp's are a 5 level+, 3.Partner's suit 4.Declarer opened at 3 level or higher. 5.Planning switch to sing. vs NT: Spot cards 4th from honor, 2nd high from weak 4+ card suits,3rd/low partner's suit (if raised lead high from xxx), 10/9=0/2 higher after opening lead, suits and NT |
Standard count, attitude
Primary signal is attitude on opening lead Give count when partner needs it Odd-even first discards; Std Smith echo; trump s/p |