Team: | Hamman | Last Updated | May 23, 2016 at 08:01 |
Players: | Zia Mahmood - Jeff Meckstroth |
2 opening bid is Multi - 3-7 weak 2 bid in a Major 2M opening is a sounder weak 2 bid (8-11) (1any) 1M (Neg X): 1N thru 2 under TRF, TRF to Overcaller's suit is 3 trump limit raise. 1M (X): 1N thru 2 under our M TRF. One under in both Artif. 7-9 raise. 1-3 = Invitational raise (or light GF) 1-2 = Invitational raise (or light GF) 3N opening is positional 4M bid 1M-1N-2-Bart followups, 1M-1N-3 multi-meaning 1-2 = weak 2 in a major 1m-2 = invitational 2N bid (UPH) Vs Wk or Str NT: 2 = +, 2 = +M, 2M NAT, X = Penalty (By passed hand or 4th seat...Dbl = MMs or 1 minor, 2m = that m + M) Many fit jumps by passed hand and after overcall |
Usually 5 card Majors (1N Resp Semi-F, 5-11). 1NT 15-17 (often with 5 card major, rarely 5422 or SING), 2/1 Forcing to game (2 suspect length), many 1-3under are natural invites.
3rd hand may be light, esp at Fav Vul. Open most bal hands with 12 HCP and some unbal hands with 11 HCP. |
2nd and 4th vs suits, A from AK (K from AK in partner's suit)
NT leads: A=ATT; K=CT or U/B; Q=(weak) KQ or QJx; J=QJxx(x) or J10x(x); 10=Standard |
Suit: Standard at trick one. Upside down thereafter.Suit preference when declarer plays suit and count is not priority.
NT: 1st trick may be COUNT if ATT not so important Suit preference when no more tricks cashing Smith vs NT, only at first opportunity. High=ENC from both sides |