Team: | Mahaffey | Last Updated | May 24, 2016 at 20:40 |
Players: | Sam Lev - Jim Mahaffey |
2 over weak nt=major 1-suiter
1-2=bal inv or nat strong |
5card major with forc nt strong nt 2/1 gf
we open 12hcp bal and11hcp unbal 1levelovercalls 9+hcp 2 level sounder usually we open 1 with 3-3 in minors or sometimes with 4 and 5 1 usually 4 only 3 with 4432 1 minor denies 5 card major 1nt could have5-card major or sometimes 6-card minor preempts wide range could be good or bad |
vs.nt 4th best might lead second from bad suits
vs.nt k is a power lead a from ak asks for attitude vs. suits 4th best vs.suits A from ak K from kq Q from qj spots lead normally attitude during hand |
standard count and standart signals
count in partner suit if dummy wins trick smith echo vs nt high encourages opening lead suit except in obvios count situation signaling priority attide count suit preference |