Team: | Morse | Last Updated | May 25, 2016 at 20:35 |
Players: | Steve Garner - Ron Smith |
After an opponent's 1 or 1 opening, 2 shows both majors, NF. Direct cuebids of an opponent's
1 of a minor are natural. We play Roman cuebids of an opponent's major opening. 2 over an opponent's 1NT opening may show an unspecified major. |
Fairly standard bidding style. 3rd seat openings may be simply lead-directing. NV vs. VUL opening preempts may be a wide range. |
3rd and 5th vs. suits. Attitude vs. NT. Rusinow vs. NT. |
Standard count and attitude. Upside down attitude discards only. Attitude take preference in most cases. We signal only when we feel it helps partner. |