Team: | Mahaffey | Last Updated | May 28, 2016 at 12:02 |
Players: | Russell Ekeblad - Matthew Granovetter |
1. 12-14 Balanced 2. 10-15 6+ diamonds one-suited 3. 10-15 Both minors (5+/4+) 4. 10-15 5+ spades - 4+ diamonds 5. 10-15 Any 4x1 or 4-4-0/5 Responses: 2 ART GF REL 2+ ART GF Special patterns 1M: 1. 12-14 5M - 3/3/2 2. 10-15 4M with 5+ Any side suit 3. 10-15 6+M Responses: 1-1: 3+ F1 1N: Nat NF 2: ART GF REL 2: ART Most Inv hands without 4M 2N: ART Bal SI or Sing SI JS: 4+M with SOT in JS and SI DJS: 4+M Spiral Void 2: 1. 10-15 6+ Clubs 2. 10-15 5+ Spades and 4+ Clubs Responses: 2: ART asks which with wide range 2/2N: ART 3+ S Inv/GF 2/3+: Nat NF/Inv 2: 1. 10-15 5+ Hearts and 4+ Diamonds Responses: 2N: ART GF REL All else: Nat NF/Inv 2: 1. 10-15 5+ Hearts and 4+ Clubs Responses: As after 2 2NT: 1. 4-11 5+ - 5+ Majors Responses: 4/4: Set s/s with SI All else: Nat NF 3NT: Gambling in all Seats _________________________________________________ You open 1 Any - We simple 1/2OC - You Neg X: Transfer advances We have written defenses for 2 thru 2N and Transfer advances at the table. |
1 Artificial and strong. 17+ Balanced, 16+ unbalanced, may be less than 16 with tricks.
1NT 14+-17 We open light, in keeping with the "modern style." Our "Picture Bids" tend to be lighter than openings which require 1 rebid to clarify pattern In 3rd Seat we may depart from systemic methods In 4th Seat: Generally systemic |
3rd and low A from AK thru 4 VS NT 2nd and 4th K asks unblock/count A or Q asks attitude In the middle of the hand: Count mixed with tolerance for return of suit. Low=OK High=Not OK |
Upside Down Count and Attitude
Standard remainder count and suit preference Priority of count, attitude, and suit preference: Varies with situation and what is important. Frequent suit preference in your trump suit: With xx: lo/hi= neutral or lower. Hi/lo= higher With xxx: med/lo/hi=neutral. Departures: prefer? |