Team: | Miller | Last Updated | Jul 11, 2016 at 08:51 |
Players: | Yiji Starr - Rick Binder |
12-14 NT all seats.
2D over opponents 1N opening shows a single suited Major. |
12-14 NT. Typically no 5M. May treat a 5 card major as 4 card major if appropriate.
1M opening promises 5+M in 1st-2nd seat, 4+M in 3rd-4th seats. Opening with 4M in the 3rd and 4th seat tend to have a purpose such as lead directing. 1m opening is either 15+ or unbalanced sound opening with length in m. 2/1 game forcing over a M opening unless responder rebid suits and opener hasn't shown extras. Opener's 2N rebid over 2/1 shows 15-17 NT and creates GM. If opener reverses or bids a the 3 level, opener shows extras and creates GF. 2C over 1D opening is game forcing opposite a strong NT and could pass a 2D rebid by opener. |
Against NT, 4th best leads. Against suits, 3rd from even and low from odd. Same in the middle of hand. Standard honor leads except A from AK against suits. Against 5+ level contracts, K promises either AK or KQ. A denies K. Against NT contract, standard honor leads except A asks for count or unblock. |
Standard attitude and count. Attitude first priority. When opponent is leading a suit, provide count to partner if it is needed. Trump suit preference when appropriate. |