Team: | Mahaffey | Last Updated | Jul 10, 2016 at 12:17 |
Players: | Matthew Granovetter - Pam Granovetter |
1C opening strong, usually 17 bal, 16 unbal
1D opening maybe short (0) 1D-pass-1H sometimes fewer than 4 cards if no major and less than game forcing values Kaplan Inversion: 1S responses to 1H=forcing NT (may include 4 spades) and 1NT response to 1H=5+ spades 2NT opening 16+ with five hearts and a five card minor One under response to 1M opening is a good raise in the M. |
Normal strength opening bids
1M opening never 5332, so 1NT opening (14+-16 usually) may be opened with a 13 point hand with 5M 1D may be short as zero two bids natural (2C=11-15) 2D, 2H, 2S 5-11 |
vs. suits, fourth best, ace from AK, MUD from three cards
vs. NT, ace from AK, jack denies and ten implies higher honor, fourth best |
Obvious shift (Low card discourages the suit led and encourages the obvious shift, or high card encourages the suit led and discourages the obvious shift. The obvious shift vs a suit contract is a bid suit by us or a three-card side suit in dummy; if no 3-card suit, a 4-card suit VS. NT we give count if dummy wins the trick with the jack or lower, or queen-jack. |