System Summary Form (SSF), 2017 Senior USBC

Team: Gupta Last Updated Apr 4, 2017 at 15:36
Players: Fred Stewart - Kit Woolsey

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D opening = weak 2 in one of the majors. May be 5-card suit.

2H opening = 11-15, either 4-4-1-4, 4-4-0-5, 3-4-1-5, or 4-3-1-5

2S opening = A good D preempt, just under an opening bid

2NT opening = Both minors, less than an opening bid

3NT opening = Unspecified 4 of a minor preempt


Vs. strong NT: double = 4-card major (usually) + longer minor, 2C = both majors, 2D = 1 major

After opponent's takeout double, several transfer responses

Transfer advances after we overcall

General Bidding Style

1NT = 10-12 1st & 2nd non-vul
14-16 1st & 2nd vul
15-17 3rd & 4th

Precision style
1C = 16+.
1D = 11-15, 2+ D's.
5-card majors.
2C = 10-15, 6+ C's.

Tend to open all 11-point hands.

Wide range on preempts.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3rd & 5th vs. suits
Attitude vs. NT
vs. suits, A from AK if attitude desired, K from AK if suit-preference desired. From interior sequence, standard if 5-card holding, 3rd best if 3, 4, or 6-card holding.

Vs. NT: Ace from AK, Rusinow if 4+ length (8 from 98xx or 87xx). King is power lead, asks for count or unblock.

In middle of hand, ace asks for attitude, king asks for count. Attitude when breaking new suit. Usually count when returning partner's suit. Honor leads generally 0 or 2 higher.

Defensive Signals

Vs. Suits: Suit-preference at trick 1, except on ace lead (and even on ace lead if dummy has x, Kx, or the lead is likely to be from shortness).

Vs. NT: Attitude if honor lead (other than king), count otherwise.

At trick 1, if not a suit-preference situation our signals are standard.

After trick 1, our signals are upside-down.

Smith echo vs. NT

Generally suit-preference in trump suit

Except for trick 1, normal priority of signals -- attitude on partner's lead, count on declarer's lead, suit-preference only if attitude and/or count clearly known or not relevant.

Tend to signal fairly frequently.