System Summary Form (SSF), 2017 Women's USBC

Team: Clerkin Last Updated Mar 28, 2017 at 01:01
Players: Migry Zur Campanile - Jill Meyers

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Multi 2D - weak in a major
2H/S - weak with that suit and a minor
3NT - gambling
1M (X) transfers starting to 1NT
Secondary transfers by responder after 1M-1NT

General Bidding Style

Opening may be light in 3rd seat
In 1st and 2nd we open some 11
1NT- 14+ - 17
1M in 3rd seat may be 4 cards only

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3rd/low vs NT
4th or 2nd vs suit
A from AKx+
A at 5 level or higher or after preempts asks for attitude nad K asks for count
K from AK or when shifting to a singleton
Vs NT - A asks att, K asks unblock or count, Q asks att for J or higher and J asks att for 10 or higher

Defensive Signals

UDCA, standard Smith, frequent trump suit preference.
With singleton in dummy or when clear our side has no more tricks in the suit - suit preference.
In a suit in which we are known to have 5+ cards SP with middle cards encouraging.
Through dummy J= denies 10 promises honor
More Attitude leads in the middle of the hand