System Summary Form (SSF), 2017 USBC

Team: Dinkin Last Updated Apr 12, 2017 at 22:13
Players: W. Thomas Reynolds - Lance Kerr

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

One Club
1C is 10-14HCP 0+ Clubs, usually 12-14HCP. If the hand contains less than 12HCP it contains sufficient shape to qualify as a normal opening bid. The hand may contain any shape including a 5 card major but is unlikely to contain a 6 card major or 5-5 or better in the majors because the two level bids of 2H, 2S and 2NT describe those shapes with identical HCP ranges. Additionally, vulnerable 1NT will likely to be opened with a 6 card minor or 5-5 in the minors with 10-12HCP.

After 1C, 1D is an artificial GF with artificial responses.

A response to 1C of 1H, 1S is 1NT is NF. Pass, 1H and 1S may be 0HCP. A pass implies some clubs.

Responding 2C to 1C is either drop dead in diamonds or invitational looking for or showing a 4 card major. Opener is requested to rebid 2D after which responder will pass or bid a major he does not possess.

After 1C a direct jump to 2H shows 4 Hearts and 4 or 5 Spades. A direct jump to 2S shows 5 Hearts and 4 Spades.

A response of 2D to 1C asks for 3+ card support of a Major.

Interference after 1C
After direct interference we use transfer responses through 3C. A double is usually a transfer. A double of 1H shows Spades and a double of 1S shows Hearts but may be only 4. Over 1C-3D, 3H shows 5+ Spades and 3S shows 5+ Hearts.

One NT Not Vulnerable
1NT 10-12 does not contain a 4 card major. The responses are Gladiator 2C forced 2D after which all bids are invitational and Jacoby transfers of 2D (showing Hearts) and 2H (showing Spades). After 1NT a bid of 2S is minor suit Stayman and can be either constructive or a signoff. After 1NT bids of 2NT and higher are transfers with 3S a balanced slam invitation.

INT Vulnerable (Artificial, Forcing)
Vulnerable 1NT (10-12HCP) that contains either a 6 card minor or two 5 card minors. It may contain a small singleton. If a 9HCP hand is upgraded it meets the rule of 19.

After 1NT(Vul), responder bid 2C (pass or correct), 2D (shape asking), 2H or 2S which are trial bids. After 1Nt, 2NT is a GF.

One Diamond
1D 15+ forcing and artificial, 1H 6-9HCP, 1S 0-5HCP, 1NT and above are GF and artificial. A response of 1NT shows Spades, 2C shows Hearts, 2D is balanced, 2H is Clubs, 2S and 2NT are Diamonds. Responder may have a second suit which may be longer.

Interference after 1D
After direct interference responder uses transfer responses.

After indirect interference when responder has made a GF bid of 1NT (Spades) or 2C (Hearts) opener can continue the relay with the lowest call-pass. Double is penalty oriented.

Interference after a 2D or above response results in normal, non-relay bidding

One Heart and One spade
1H and 1S opening bids are 8-11HCP and at least 4 cards in the suit.
The hand may contain a longer suit. With 4-4 in the majors the opening bid is 1H. With 5-4 or 6-4 in the majors the opening bid is 1S.

J/S and 1NT only force after 1H or 1S, New suits and raises are NF. A jump shift is a near opening 2 bid at least in playing strength.

A 1NT response to 1H or 1S can be game forcing, invitational or drop dead in a minors.

If the hand is drop dead responder is intending to pass opener's response whatever it is.

Opener bids 2C to show either a balanced hand or 9 cards in Clubs and the major. Opener bids 2D to show 9 cards in Diamonds and the major.

Over a response of 2C or 2D to 1H or 1S, responder bids 2 of the major to show an invitational hand with at least 3 card support, 2NT to show an invitational hand in NT or the next step (not 2 of the major) that is game forcing and ask for more information.

Two Clubs and 2 Diamonds
2C 5 Spades 15-17HCP or Acol 2 Bid or GF
2D 5 Hearts 15-17HCP or Acol 2 Bid or GF

Two Hearts, two Spades, 2NT
2H 6+ hearts 10-14HCP.
2S 6+ spades 10-14HCP.
2NT 5-5 or better majors 10-14HCP

Defensive Bidding
Against short minors we double with a balanced hand and overcall 1NT with a pattern T.O.D. (Singleton in opened suit). Over 1 of the major we use Raptor, 4 of the other major and a long unspecified minor.

General Bidding Style

1H and 1S are very light and limited (8-11HCP)

1C, 2H, 2S and 2NT show 10-14HCP. We may upgrade a 9HCP hand to open 2H and 2S. We may upgrade a 5-4-3-1 11HCP hand containing a 5 card major from 1H or 1S to 1C.

However we do not upgrade a balanced 11HCP hand to open 1C. We either open 1H or 1S with a 4 card major, 1NT without a 4 card major or pass. Vulnerable it is very possible to pass 11HCP balanced.

We do not upgrade a 1H or 1S opener unless it meets the rule of 17.

3rd and 4th we use Precision
1C=17+HCP 1NT 15-17HCP 5 card majors, 2C= 5+ clubs and a 4 card major or 6 Clubs. 2H and 2S are intermediate hands with 6 card suits. 2D is 10-14HCp with 6+ diamonds.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

On opening lead we lead A from AK. J denies 10 promises. 3rd and 5t vs suits. 4th vs NT.

UDCA on lead of A or K. Obvious shift out of the book.

Otherwise standard

Defensive Signals

Philosophy is suit preference. Normal carding except as noted.