System Summary Form (SSF), 2017 Women's USBC

Team: OSMO Last Updated Apr 18, 2017 at 08:44
Players: Kimberly Music - Toni Bales

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

General Bidding Style

General Approach is 2/1 Game Forcing

Opening bids can be as light as 11 hcp in first and second seat non-vulnerable. In third seat, they can be a little weaker, especially at favorable vulnerability.

Usually we open five card majors in all seats. Rarely open four card majors, though possible in third seat, but will have honors in the major suit and full opening bid.

Open 1NT with 14+-17 hcp (14+ typically 14hcp with a good 5-card suit, perhaps 14 good hcp with good intermediates). May have singleton A or K if hand calls for it.

Frequently open 1NT with five card majors if shape and hcp justify it (with usually NT'ish shape and outside stoppers). Frequently open 5422, and occasionally open 6332 hands 1NT if spots and hcp justify that.

With 44 or 45 in minors will usually open 1D (may open 1C if hand justifies a reverse to 1D later).

Frequently upgrade or downgrade hands due to specific shape, suit quality, and hcp quality.


We have no unexpected artificial opening bids.

Weak two bids commonly will be made with a five card suit, and with less regard for suit quality than is usual. Weak two bidder will almost never have a four card side major. Side honors are also quite possible as well as a void.

Three level and higher preempts may be very aggressive, according to vulnerability. Suit quality may be weaker than normal. Side honors are quite possible.

In fourth seat a two level opening will usually promise an opening hand with six (possibly a good 5) of the named suit.

There are no specific negative inferences when preempts are not made and passing and then bidding a suit still suggest that suit as trump.

Passed Hand Bidding

Responses by a passed hand include 2-way Rev Drury, Forcing 1NT, and non-forcing new suits. Otherwise normal and natural.

Responses & Rebids after 1-level openers

Frequently bypass 1D in favor of bidding a four card major with a weak hand. Will respond 1D to 1C with a weak (5-7 hcp) balanced hand (and no four card major).

2/1 responses are forcing to game. Typical forcing 1NT maximum is 12- hcp.

A response of 2D after a forcing 1NT always shows at least three diamonds, while a response of 2C may be made with only two clubs. Opener’s 2nd bid of 2M may be made with only 5 of the major if no other better bid.

All other responses as expected.


No special doubles. Doubles in competition tend to be "DSI" or takeout more than penalty. No specific rules governing this.

All X’s are on through 4H including Support X’s.


In competition, 2/1 bids become invitational+.

No special responses in competition.

Psychics and Tactical bids

Psychic calls extremely rare.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Standard honor leads. Lead 2nd/4th against suits and NT. Might lead low or high from any holding depending on desire for switch of suit by partner (in general a low lead suggest continuation of the suit).

A from AK.

Defensive Signals

Primary signal to partner's play is attitude unless obvious suit preference situation (e.g., dummy has shortness in led suit after lead of ace or king). Primary signal to opponent's play is count.

Play standard attitude and standard current count in all cases.