Team: | Xiao | Last Updated | Dec 8, 2017 at 00:59 |
Players: | Sarah Youngquist - Cornelius Duffie - Richard Jeng |
Woolsey versus strong and weak NT: (1NT) 2D is Multi |
2/1, 1NT Forcing (Semi-forcing PH), 5cd M's (occasionally 4 in 3rd/4th seat), 3cd m's
15-17 1NT, 14 counts often upgraded, 1NT and 2NT openers often off-shape, 5cd M. Relatively sound openings (rule of 20, some unbalanced/concentrated 19s especially NV) in 1st/2nd seat, 3rd seat distributional 9 counts ^Richard much more aggressive in NT and suit openings 44 in m's open 1d, 45 in m's generally open 1c unless severe rebid problems Preempts: undisciplined, infrequently 5cd NV 3rd seat, never 4cd M in 1st/2nd seat, occasionally in 3rd Will respond to 1 level suit openings very light, Walsh style |
Suits: 3rd from even, low from odd
NT: 4th best, high or usually 2nd highest from weak suit In partner's suit: same, can lead Sxx or Sxxx when raised Std honor leads versus suits. A from AK except at 5 level or higher (K asks for count), from AK tight, in partner's suit, or as an alarm card (followed by a switch to shortness) Against NT, std honor leads, A is the power lead (asks for unblock or count) Subsequent leads: 3rd/5th (std present count) or attitude Coded 10s and 9s only AFTER opening lead |
UDCA, standard suit preference, standard present count, primary signal is attitude
On opening lead, generally attitude, except when dummy is winning with J or lower (then count), suit pref if shortness in dummy We lead the suit: Attitude, count, suit pref; opponent leads the suit: Count, suit pref (can change based on situation) In suit pref situations when giving partner a ruff, QT are considered high, J9 low Trump suit pref, reverse Smith vs NT only except when obvious count (if attitude to opening lead already known, suit pref) Signals are 3-way in known 6cd+ suit |