System Summary Form (SSF), 2018 USBC

Team: Borker Last Updated Apr 2, 2018 at 03:40
Players: Michael Rosenberg - Roger Lee

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C-2D is 5(+)-card S, 4(+)-card H, Inv.
1m-2H is 5(+)-card S, 4(+)-card H, 5-9HCP
1m-2S is artificial Limit Raise
1M-2C is GF, but can be as little as xx in C
1M-3D is artificial Limit Raise
1H-2S is 6(+)-card, less than invitational
(1m)3m is 5-5 in S and om - Strong

Transfers (from 1N to 2M-1) after 1M(x) and after you double our overcall.
1X-(DBL)-RDBL-(any non-jump suit bid)-DBL = 2-way 1X-(any 2-suited bid)-DBL-(non-jump bid of known suit)-DBL = 2-way

General Bidding Style

14+-17. 5-card Majors (4 possible, but rare, in 3rd/4th)
2/1 GF. Open 1C with 3-3 in minors, either with 4-4 (always 1D with 4-1-4-4)
Sometimes open 1m non-systemically (especially 1C)
Open all balanced 12HCP NV. MR more likely to pass 12 HCP if Vul.
3-level preempts vary with vul and position. First seat favorable can be a "joke".
Often respond very light
Rebid 1N bypassing majors, and can be sing. in partner's M
Overcalling style is very wide range, but never without a reason
Low-level doubles are not penalty, except where agreed or obvious
Pass of redouble not usually penalty except against overcaller or preempter, or obvious situation.
"Blind" double of slam asks for highest ranking
Forcing Passes are rare, except vul vs, not and it appears to be our hand.
If responder redoubles, opener's double is 2-way - either 1 or 4. Same if responder makes a strength-showing double and next hand bids their partner's known suit
If our overcall is doubled for penalty, redouble is SOS thru 4H

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Opening leads Vs. Suits: 3rd from even low from odd A from AK except where we are likely to lead an unsupported ace or as an alarm clock. Lead Q from AKQ to get attitude for J.
Subsequent leads vs. suits: Attitude in unplayed suits - low is strong suggestion for return
10 or 9 thru declarer when dummy has no higher card promises one higher (not J10).
10 thru dummy's AJx suggests higher.
Opening Leads vs. NT: K asks unblock/count, A and Q asks attitude. Rusinow from 4(+)-card. Rusinow down to 98. 4th best from honor (10 is optional). Also can lead lowest as Attitude. From small cards, high from 2 or 3, second highest with 4(+) (but highest with sequential spots up to 87).
In partner's suit, can lead low or high from small cards. Can lead low from Hx.
Subsequent leads vs. NT: Attitude in unplayed suits - low is strong suggestion for return. Returning partner's suit with 5, tend to return low if dummy has 2(+), but original 4th if dummy has 0/1.
Vs. all: lead through declarer might be 0/2 if dummy has higher honor
10 or 9 thru declarer when dummy has no higher card promises one higher (not J10).
10 thru dummy's AJx suggests higher.

Defensive Signals

Standard. On our lead, tend to give attitude, (mini-count on A lead if dummy has guarded Q, or on K lead if dummy has AJx(x)). Second signal is present count, except if leader wins first two tricks, then SP. Tend to give SP on declarer's lead (count in dummy's long suit). Second card is present count.
After trick one, king asks count
Count is given with second highest from 4, highest from 2 or 6
Smith vs. NT - trick 2 only
Splitting honors: Over dummy, we split second highest, unless dummy has a higher card, then we split highest. Under dummy, we split highest.
Vs. suits, we play SP if any of
a)dummy has no more losers in suit led
b) the lead is an obvious singleton.
c) Preempter led a side suit
d) Non-leader showed 6(+)-card suit

In NT, Count if you can't beat dummy. Returning declarer's lead over dummy is a suggestion for partner to win.

Discards: Standard - first is most meaningful. Second usually present count
Philosophy is to signal what you want, not what you have. Combination of signals is important