System Summary Form (SSF), 2018 USBC

Team: Rosenthal Last Updated Apr 25, 2018 at 16:22
Players: David Berkowitz - Robert Hamman

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2/1 Not game forcing except 1D/2C
Flannery 2D May be 4-6
Some transfers in competition

General Bidding Style

1NT 14+-17, 5 major possible, as is 6m
Flannery, may be 4-6
Weak twos in H and S
Can preempt very light in 1st/3rd Favorable

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Standard, King shows KQ, or AK Ace big lead vs NT

4th best with some attitude on lead
Reg Smith echo some suit preference in trumps

Defensive Signals

High =like or even

Normally give attitude, but s/p when obvious