Team: | Wolfson | Last Updated | Apr 1, 2019 at 13:30 |
Players: | John Hurd - Joel Wooldridge |
Gazilli over 1M-1N. Specialized treatments over 1H-1S
(1N=bal or D, 2C=natural, 2D=6+H, 2H=3S and 15+, 2S=35(32) 4522 or 45(31), 2N=4S raises extras, 3H=GF, 3S=46 bad), 3N-4S all spade raises). 1C-2D=clubs 10-15, 1C-2H=16+club raise, 1C-2S=6+clubs unknown shortness 6-9. 1D-2H=D 10-15, 1D-2S=D 16+ |
Open 11 NV 95%+, Vul 11 Hurd 90% Wooldridge 65%. Upgrades are more likely than downgrades of suggested point ranges.
Aggressive preeempts NV vs V potentially. If 3rd seat light would typically be for lead. 1NT=14-16 in 1st and 2nd. In 3rd NV 14-16, otherwise 15-17. |
Attitude vs NT, 3/low vs suits. Lower of touching honors trick 1 typically (vs NT from 4+ only). In middle 3/low for count and 9/10 are 0/2 higher, exceptions would be technical situation. |
Tricknone signal is typically attitude as is first discard(UD). Count is generally preferred on declarers leads, though if count is known then SP is more likely. Our present count is UD Frequent SP if choice of low cards. |