System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Open USBC

Team: Grossack Last Updated Apr 19, 2019 at 15:09
Players: Alex Hudson - Peter Boyd-Bowman

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D overcall of 1NT shows 1 major if 2D bidder is an UPH and we consider the 1NT opening strong (16 in range and not 3rd white).

We play a 2C opening is either 18-19 balanced, 22-24 balanced, or a GF distributional hand without primary hearts.
Our 2D opening is 100% GF and is either some Kokish rebid hand, a 3-suiter, or a long minor with a problem in one side suit.
Our 2H opening is similar to flannery, but can be 4-6 or 5-6 and the range is 10-15- if 4-5 and 9+-13- otherwise.
Gazzilli after 1M-1NT and 1H-1S (1NT is gazzilli or diamonds and 2D is most hands with 3+S)
1m-2H is reverse flannery less than INV

General Bidding Style

2/1 with Weak NT (11-14 all the time). 5 card majors and 3 card minors. 1M may be only 4 in 3/4 seat.

Preempts generally sounder than most. We may be lighter with any of our actions if vulnerability calls for it.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Rusinow honor leads against all contracts with the following exceptions: partner’s suit, dummy’s suit, preemptor leading a side suit, and 3 or fewer against NT. 3/low against suits and standard spots against NT except that we may choose to lead 2nd from 4/5 small. Generally attitude leads in the middle of the hand.

Defensive Signals

UDCA. Standard suit preference and present count when given. Att, ct, SP is our priority order in general.