System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Open USBC

Team: Warner Last Updated Apr 23, 2019 at 10:53
Players: Anam Tebha - Marc Warner

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1H 1S 0-4S
1H 1N 5S+

2D opener 10-15HCP Three suited short D

1C (artificial strong) 1H = artificial 8-11 <5S

General Bidding Style

We play strong club
Very aggressive bidding style
Frequently upgrade into NT ranges
We open all 10HCP hands NV and many 11HCP hands V
Can open 4cM in 3rd/4th seat, usually lead directional
13+-16 1st/2nd NV
14-16 1st/2nd V
11-15 3rd seat NV

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

UDCA except Standard at T1 when the lead shows AK
Standard remainder count and SP
Reverse smith echo
1st/2nd from bad holdings against NT, 4th from interest

Defensive Signals

UDCA attitude is our primary signal followed by count, and SP
Our default is UDCA, we randomly card when we don't think partner needs a signal or think it will help declarer more than partner
2nd/4th through declarer (including honors)