Team: | Stephani | Last Updated | Jul 30, 2019 at 07:04 |
Players: | David Martin Soukup - Hakan Berk |
Opening bids:
1: clubs or balanced, 11-21. 2+ (can be 3352). after which: 1, 1 transfers; 1 diamonds, any strength. 1: 4+ diamonds, unbalanced. Usually 5, except for 4441 and certain 5431s. 1m - 2M are 3-way bids, showing either a raise, a balanced hand (11-12 and 13-15), or a strong jump shift. 2 opening is weak multi: approx. 0-7 preempt in either major, no strong option. 2M openings are intermediate: approx. 8-10, with a decent suit. Woolsey after opponent's 1NT opener (so 2 is either major) |
Light preempts, including 5-card suits, possible in all seats except 4th, especially NV and in 3rd seat. We tend to open most balanced 11 counts.
14-16 1NT opening range, with occasional upgrades. Mostly natural bidding style. |
4th best against suits and NT, with standard honor leads. Ace is our power lead.
MUD from three low cards. |
Upside down count and attitude; standard suit-preference. We give upside-down present count.
Our priority is attitude followed by count and S/P in that order. |