Team: | Rockoff | Last Updated | Dec 14, 2019 at 23:42 |
Players: | Kyle Rockoff - Sarik Goyal |
We play different systems by vulnerability (and to a lesser degree, seat).
Vulnerable, we play a modified Australian variant of 2/1. non-vulnerable, we play what's known as a Swedish or Hybrid club (technically Skrot club based, similar to Polish Club), with canape style 1, 1, 1 bids. Below are specifics which you may wish to discuss a defense: Vulnerable: -2 shows an preemptive single-suiter in either major -2 shows a preemptive hand with both majors (5+ s, 4+ s) -2 shows a preemptive single-suiter in either minor -3 and 3 both show a constructive preempt with both minors -1N (15-17) may be opened with a small singleton if 33(61) by player's judgment. It's not an obligation by any means. Our 1 and 1 opening are natural 5+ cards, and tend to imply holding two doubletons, or a singleton or void somewhere. Our 1 is 2+, and could contain a minimum balanced hand with a 5cd major. Our 1 opening is usually 4+ unbalanced, but is technically 2+ short (same style as 1-- could be a big 18-19 hand with or without a 5cd major). Responder's rebid in the sequence 1-1 and 1-1 is artificial, and shows 4+ cards in the major-suit above. Non-Vulnerable: -1 is Artificial, and shows 11+-13 balanced with at least one 4 card major, 4=4=(4-1) dead min, or 17+ any shape. 1 when 11-13 balanced could contain a 5cd major. -Our 1, 1 and 1 openings are all 4+ cards, and may contain a second suit that is as long, or longer than the suit we opened (Canape-style). These openings are usually 4 cards with a 5+ side suit, or 6+ cards. The opening will always be semi-balanced or unbalanced. -Our 1N opening is 12 to a bad 16 balanced ("Modified Carrot NT"). It is usually in the 14 to a bad 16, and is only 12-13 HCPs if we don't have a 4 card major. Like when we're vulnerable, it may be opened with a small singleton if we're 3=3=(6-1) by bidder's discretion. Per ACBL regulation, we cannot upgrade 11s into the range, so you will never see any upgrades on the lower end. -Our 2 opening shows 13-16 4=4-(4-1), or 20-21 balanced. -Our 2 and 2 opening are 11-15 showing 5+ of the major, and 4+ s. -Our 2N opening shows a maximal 2 or 2 opener with extra length in the major. In the auction 1-1, 1-1 and 1-1, responder's 1M response is artificial and only promises 3+ cards in the major. This is because if opener has support, it always is a minimum of 5 cards. After a 1, 1 and 1 opening, our negative doubles don't promise length in the unbid major (are just takeout oriented, suggest tolerance for new strains). |
We open basically all 11s Non-vulnerable in all seats, upgrade some 10s (typically only with a good suit or little wastage in our shortness).
While Vulnerable, everything is about a point firmer. We typically will not open balanced hands less than 12. In 3rd seat, everything gets a bit lighter, we open most 10 counts, but can open as light as 8 favorable, particularly if we want to get in lead direction or have an easy way to get out low in the auction. With the strong 15-17 NTs, we do upgrade some good 14s. Kyle upgrades a little bit more frequently than Sarik. Kyle is probably also more likely to open 1N with 3=3=(6-1) shape with or without a small singleton (as mentioned in the above section). Non-vulnerable, we don't strive to open preemptive three-level openings in 1st and 2nd seat. We exchange the ability to open preemptive two-level openings for the ability to handle more hands at the one-level, as a general principle. |
3rd/low on opening leads versus suit. 4th best versus NT.
Tend to lead attitude mid-hand: -4th/low from interest (only low from 5 versus suits, otherwise 4th best.) -Second best, top, or MUD (from 3 cards) from a suit we don't want lead back. At NT, we lead the AQ for power (unblock) with AKJT or QJ98 or similar, and the K for count. At the 5-level or higher versus a suit contract, K is lead for count, A for attitude. |
Our carding is upside-down count and attitude. We play standard current count. We play reverse Smith Echo versus NT, and trump suit preference.
Our priority of signals is first attitude, second count and third suit preference. We signal actively, though of course either partner may false-card/discard neutrally to conceal information from declarer if they think it's right. |