Team: | Gordon | Last Updated | Dec 10, 2019 at 12:27 |
Players: | Elliott Gordon - Daniel Weiss - Jack Donaghue |
None |
Rule of 20 in 1-3rd seats, rule of 15 in 4th seat. 1m openings are never lighter in 3rd/4th seat.
Weak 2 can be 5 card suits at favorable or not vulnerable. 1NT 15-17, 2NT 20-21, minimal upgrades or downgrades |
3rd/low vs suits
4th best vs NT A from AK asks attitude K from AK asks count Trick 1 vs. suits: if Ace is led and dummy has singleton in that suit or declarer obviously has a singleton in that suit, first priority is suit preference. Middle of hand - attitude leads |
Attitude then count then suit preference
Trump suit preference Upside down count and attitude and discards, standard suit preference. Always signal on (at least) first two rounds of new suits |