System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Michael Seamon Junior USBC - U26

Team: Wolff Last Updated Dec 12, 2019 at 16:06
Players: Nathan Finkle - Ilan Wolff

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C: 11+ HCP, 2+ Cs; either 11-13 balanced (no 5-card suit besides Cs, could have 2 Cs and 4 1Ds), 17-19 balanced (all non 5-card-major balanced hands, could have 3=3=5=2), or unbalanced with 5+ Cs
Transfers over 1C: on over P, X, 1D (X is transfer to Hs).
1C - 1S: transfer to a minor (6-12 HCP), or NT 6-11- HCP
1C - 1NT: 11+ - 12 HCP balanced
1C - 2m: 5+ cards, 13+ HCP, GF (does not deny a 4 card major)
1D: 4441 (with 4 Ds) or 5+ Ds, either unbalanced or 11-13 balanced with 5 Ds
1H-2S: Invitational, 6+ Ss
1M - 3C: 4+ M, limit raise
1M - 3D: 6+ Ds, invitational
1S - 3H: 6+ Hs, invitational
1M - 3M: mixed raise
Vs Str NT: 2C = H+S, 2D = 6+ Hs or Ss, 2M = 5M + 4m, X = 5m + 4M
Vs Wk NT (including 13, and third seat white): PEN X, otherwise same as Str NT

General Bidding Style

5-card majors (1NT response semi-forcing, 4-11), 1NT 14-16, 2/1 GF, Gazilli over opening of 1M
Open all 11 counts without a 5-card major and all 12 counts with a 5-card major

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Opening leads against suits: 3rd from even, low from odd, standard honor leads, and
A from AK unless (1) five level or higher (A for attitude, K for count), (2) AK tight (lead K), (3) intend to switch to side singleton, (4) declarer preempted to 3-level or higher, (5) We bid and rasied the suit we are leading, (6)
Lead high from xxx or xxxxx in partner's suit after raising (3rd from Hxx or xxxx)

Opening leads against NT:
4th best from an honor, Highest from xxx, xx, x, Second highest from xxxx(xxx)
King is power lead, asks for unblock or else count, A and Q are strong leads asking for attitude
Highest of sequence from an interior sequence (i.e. J from KJT, etc.)
Lead as if leading against a suit contract when leading a suit partner has shown

Middle of hand: If we lead an honor previously, we then lead the lowest of touching honors when we started with 4+, otherwise lead from highest to lowest when we started with 2-3 honors

Middle of hand against suits: low suggests a return, S/P when leading for partner to ruff (often leading low, after cashing a trick or tricks, asks for partner to ruff high)
If you’re on lead and want to give S/P from AHH(xxx) (for example if partner lead from shortness), we define: Q = S/P high; J = S/P low; T = S/P high; 9 = S/P low

Middle of hand against NT:
Lead back original 4th best if dummy started with 2+ in the suit or partner may have 5+
Lead back highest if you started with 3 (now have 2) or you started with 4 and only have small cards left and you KNOW partner started with 4
Lead back lowest from 5 if dummy started with 0/1 cards in the suit

Defensive Signals

General signals: UDCA, play top honor when splitting, playing honors out of order (when leading) is typically S/P (except for NT exception)
General S/P rule: give standard S/P when no reasons for count (i.e. no tricks are coming in the suit)

Against Suits:
If partner leads an honor that you’d expect to be from AK: Q signal shows the J, or low from doubleton, otherwise high (or with Q if xxx in dummy)
In a suit where there’s no future, if we may have a ruff coming, we give attitude (low from doubleton, else high). Otherwise, we give S/P
If you lead from shortness, partner wins and switches to the A in another suit, discourage if your lead was a singleton, otherwise encourage
Trump Suit Preference: Default from xx is low, default from xxx is middle, if you have three and want partner to give you a ruff, play high
3 way signals: Play middle as encouraging otherwise high and low are S/P if: no more tricks are coming in the suit, you preempted (even when you could have 5), declarer is going to ruff, or any other time you’ve shown 6+ in a suit (for example you bid it and lead 3rd from 6)

Against NT:
Reverse Smith Echo: only applies to first suit led; if unable to give smith at trick 2, your signal at trick 3 is smith; Smith is off for responder if all of his honors are known, but opening leader can use smith to show extra length
If partner leads Ace, encourage with Q, otherwise discourage
Winning A and then K asks partner to unblock if he started with Qxx(x)--NOT S/P
Give S/P when declarer leads and it is not a count situation
Give count when partner leads and J or lower is in the dummy and you can’t beat it
Give attitude when partner leads and A/K/Q is in dummy and you can’t beat it