System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Michael Seamon Junior USBC - U21

Team: Kolesnik Last Updated Dec 13, 2019 at 19:21
Players: Sarah Youngquist - Harrison Luba

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

(1N) 2D shows 1 major
2D opening is 17/18-19 balanced

General Bidding Style

2/1, 1N semi-forcing, 2D 17/18-19 balanced.

Light opening style, open all 12’s, distributional light hands. Harrison opens lighter.

5 card majors in 1st and 2nd seat. 4 card majors allowed in 3rd/4th, usually with a sub minimum hand.

1D opening 3 only when 4432 WNT strength. Usually open 2245 1C.

1N = 14-16 in 1st-3rd seat NV, 15-17 V or 4th seat.
2D = 17/18-19 balanced (corresponding to our NT range)
2N = good 19/20 - 21
NT openers are routinely off-shape. 5 card majors, 6 card minors, (5422)'s, honor singletons all common.

We respond to 1 of a suit openings very light, could have nothing with shortness in the suit opened.

Extremely light 3rd seat 1 level openings. Light and frequently off-shape preempts, often 5 card in 1st/3rd NV. Very wide ranging preempts opposite a passed hand.

Light overcalls, occasionally 4 cards.

Relatively frequent psychs.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Against suits: 3rd and low. Standard honor leads. A from AK except: at the 5 level or higher, AK tight, declarer preempted, or as an alarm card.
Mid-hand: coded 9s and 10s (0 or 2 higher), return current 3rd/low. Shifts are attitude, if clearly from length, 3rd/low.

Against NT: 4th best from interest, 2nd highest or highest from bad holdings. Highest when the top 2 are touching or the 2nd highest doesn't seem high enough. High from 3 small. 3rd best in partner's suit.
K power lead, Rusinow (2nd of touching honors) from 4 or more, standard honors from 3 or fewer, except Q from KQx. J from KQJx is allowed.
Mid-hand: original 4th best when returning a suit. Shifts are attitude. When clearly from length, 4th best.

Defensive Signals

Against either: UDCA, standard present count. Discards are upside-down attitude. Frequent suit preference when clear attitude or count would not be useful. Signaling order is attitude, count, suit preference on partner's lead.

Suits: Suit preference in trump. From 3, lo-mid-hi no preference, lo-hi-mid low preference. In ruffing finesse situations, Q/T is high and J/9 is low for the purpose of suit preference.

NT: Rev. Smith at trick 2 by both only except: when count overrides, dummy has 3 winners in the suit, or 3rd hand played low when dummy is winning with the J or lower.
Signaling order on declarer's lead is Smith, SP or Count, SP.