Team: | Silin | Last Updated | Oct 14, 2020 at 10:51 |
Players: | Maxim Silin - Carrie Liu |
1C= Strong, 16+ or distributional equivalent; ART responses, Optional relays after positives
1H = 8+, UNBAL with 4+ in a black suit 1S = 8+ BAL 1N = 8+, 5+H 2C = 8+, 5+D, 0-3S From 2D up: semi-positive transfers with good suits 1D= 10-15, 0+D 1H - 1S = Natural, non-forcing, Up to INV. 1M - 2C: Artificial, any GF hand, Relays 1H - 2D and 1S - 2H = ART, bad (>9 losers) M raise or any invite 1S - 2D = 5+ H and less than INV or 4+H invitational 1N is dependent on sit and vulnerability: 1-2 sit: NV = 10-12 VUL: 13-15 3rd sit: NV:10-15 (system off). VUL: 13-15, UNFAV: 14-16 4th sit: 11-15 (system off NV) NV weak 2D-2S are very aggressive: 3-9, 5 cards is expected, could be any suit quality and side shape In competition we use transfers, normally starting from 2NT |
Precision, Variable NT,1D =0+D. Many ART GF and INV sequences. Relays in GF actions.
Bidding style, especially preempts strongly depending on vulnerability: from anything goes NV to solid preempts based on losing trick count UNFAV HPC is just a guide. We tend to follow K&R for hand evaluation. Frequent upgrades, less frequent downgrades (mostly “quacky†4333) NV we open most 10 HCP and may open lighter with distribution. VUL we tend to open 11+ balanced , may be lighter with distribution and chunky suits Many decisions are based on losing trick count. Our responses could be very light |
Vs. NT:4th best, but often lead high or second high from bad 4+ card suits.
Vs. suits: 4th best, from xxx (x) we normally lead low, however high might be led to emphasis suit quality Both: STD honor combination, A from AK |
Standard count and suit preference, UD attitude
On opening lead we signal std attitude. Exception: On A/K lead on 5 level or higher and against DBL contract on 4+ L In the middle of the hand we usually signal UD attitude or SP. If we chose to give count it's STD present count in a suit. We give SP in trumps when we can, including on opening lead Special carding in our 5+ suits: Hi/Lo = SP, middle = encouragement |