Team: | Greenspan | Last Updated | Sep 17, 2020 at 18:27 |
Players: | John Rengstorff - Gregory Woods |
The general approach is pretty much standard American 2/1 game forcing. With 4-4 in the minors we open 1D unless clubs are much better. Tend to open 1C with 5 clubs and 4 diamonds. We almost always bypass Walsh style unless game force. we open all 12 point hands usually and 11 with shape.
weak two's are pretty standard 1st and 2nd and can be 5 in 3rd. We tend to open all 14+-17- one NT balanced except can have 6 card minor and hand with singleton honor. Preempts are fairly standard except third position. Over calls after partner is a passed hand can be very light,lead directing. Jump over calls can very in strength after passed partner. |
We open all 12 point hands and some shapely 11's
over calls are pretty standard except after a passed partner. we can be fairly light 3rd seat. 14,17,and,19 balanced will be upgraded if warranted. |
3 and 5th in suits 4th against NT or second from nothing. A or Q for attitude K is power.
Upside down count and attitude standard remainder. Suit preference during the hand. Attitude at trick one. A from AK unless doubleton, 3 and 5th during hand, or attitude through declarer. 10 and 9's after opening lead. |
A lot of suit preference. Upside down count and attitude.
We signal what we think is needed. When dummy has a singleton we can give suit preference. |