System Summary Form (SSF), 2020 JLall Online Teams #1

Team: Spector Last Updated May 20, 2020 at 13:40
Players: Gavin Wolpert - Warren Spector

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

General Bidding Style

5 Card Majors, Strong NT, 2/1 GF
May open 11 BAL, generally sound.
1C 3+ 1D 3+ 1C with 33 , usually 1D with 44

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

4th vs NT (top or 2nd from bad suits), 3rd/low against suits
King is power lead against NT, otherwise standard honors,
A from AK against suits, except 5 level
Attitude leads in the middle of the hand, 3/low if count
Coded 9s and Ts in the middle of the hand

Defensive Signals

Standard Signals
Attitude first, then count, then suit preference
Standard Remainder Count
Regular Smith