Team: | Carmichael | Last Updated | Jan 23, 2021 at 15:10 |
Players: | Greg Humphreys - Jenni Carmichael |
1M-2 = limit raise+ |
1 strong (16+) with relays, 14-16 notrump
1 could be 0 diamonds 2 9-12 HCP 6+ We open almost all 10 counts, and will invite as responder with many 13s. White preempts can be routinely 5 cards 1d-1N invitational (10-13) 1M-2c artificial minor-oriented game force 1M-3M mixed |
3rd from even, low from odd A from AK Notrump: 4th best from interest, 2nd from xxxx, top of xxx Rusinow honor leads: Q, J, T, and 9 leads show the card above or shortness. Ace asks for attitude King asks for unblock or count Middle of hand leads are attitude |
Upside down count and attitude
No smith Standard suit preference if that's what we're doing |