System Summary Form (SSF), 2021 JLall Online Teams #3

Team: Lin Last Updated Mar 20, 2021 at 16:41
Players: Cynthia Huang - Ilan Wolff

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

tfers over x when we open/overcall a major

gazzilli over 1M-1N & 1H-1S

General Bidding Style

5-card majors
better minor in principle
15-17 NT
open most 12 counts & some shapely 10-11 counts, though vulnerability-dependent
often open light third seat (esp nv)
can respond with nothing at 1-level
preempts vary—cynthia generally sounder than ilan
ilan might have 5M for his preempts, esp 1/3 nv
overcalls fairly sound

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

mostly attitude leads in the middle of the hand

v nt: 1/2/4 (3/low if bid & raised); K power

v suits: 3/low unless we've raised partner's suit, in which case leads are attitude; A from AK unless one of the following criteria is met: AK tight/bid & raised suit/intending to switch to side singleton/5-level or higher/declarer preempted to 3+ level

Defensive Signals

udca, ud discards, std present count
rev smith @ t2 v nt
prioritize attitude —> count —> sp
only give count when needed