System Summary Form (SSF), 2021 JLall Online Teams #4

Team: Harris Last Updated Oct 19, 2020 at 02:30
Players: Louis Glasthal - Michael Massimilla

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Transfers over your double of our 1M opening (starting at 1NT, ending at one step below the major).

1NT-P-2D and 2NT-P-3D show either hearts or minors.


General Bidding Style

5 card Majors.

Variable NT (15-17 in 1st/2nd seat, 12-14 in 3rd seat, 11-14 in 4th seat).

2/1 Forcing to game

Fairly sound openings in 1st/2nd seat.

May respond with a very weak hand.

2C opening GF if unbalanced. Step responses.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Vs. NT: Ace asks for attitude, King for unblock. Other honors Rusinow from 4+ cards; standard from fewer. Spot leads: 4th to encourage, 2nd to discourage. If leading from 3 small in an unbid suit, top card from 8xx or worse; middle from 9xx.

Vs. suits: Count from AK (A=even, K=odd), K from KQJ, Q from AKQ, other honors Rusinow, 3rd best from 4, 4th best from 6, lowest from an odd number.

Vs. both: Revert to standard honor leads in dummy's suit, partner's suit, versus gambling 3NT, and in a side suit by a preemptor.

After trick one: 4th best and standard honors (but possibly a high spot to show disinterest).

Defensive Signals

Upside-down attitude. Standard count and suit preference.

The normal priority of signals is (1) attitude, (2) count, (3) suit preference. Trick one signal is almost always Obvious Shift Attitude, even with a short suit in dummy (but if unable to beat the jack or lower at NT, we give count). Reverse smith vs NT (see below).

Suit preference in trumps.

First discard is UDA. Subsequent discards tend to be present count or nothing.

Reverse Smith vs. NT: High card when following to declarer's first lead discourages the opening lead suit, unless count is critical or our holding in opening lead suit is completely known (in which case we give suit preference).

When splitting honors, we play the lowest.