System Summary Form (SSF), 2021 JLall Online Teams #4

Team: Donner Last Updated May 31, 2021 at 11:12
Players: Harrison Luba - Joe Grue

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D/1NT opener shows 1 major. 2C shows both majors.
1M p 2C can be natural or balanced, can have longer/stronger D.
1M-3D is a limit raise with 4.
1m-2H is a balanced 11-12 points, artificial.
After our 1M openings and overcalls and interference, 2NT is a 4 card limit raise or better.
Transfers after 1M x
1H-2S is diamonds invitational.
Jump shifts downward are intermediate.
(1C)-2C by us is natural, 2D is michaels.
1m-2S is a mixed raise.

General Bidding Style

Vul we tend to pass most 11 counts, but with a 5 card major/good 11 we may open.
Nonvul we may open mediocre 11s.
NT range=14+-17
Weak 2s could be 5 card suits nonvul, favorable 1st seat likely to be 5 cards.
Vul-sound preempts

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3/5 vs suits, standard honor leads, ace from AK
4th vs nt, rusinow from 4+ except in partner's suit or if we have preempted. K is power.

Defensive Signals

UDCA, standard remainder count, upside down discards, reverse smith vs NT, trump suit preference.